Design System

UNIS Design System






20 weeks



In today's fast-paced digital world, maintaining consistency and efficiency in design and development is crucial. To address this, we embarked on a project to create and implement a unified design system for our team and company. By utilizing Figma's advanced variable features and integrating them with CSS tokenization, we successfully streamlined the workflow. This alignment helped bridge the gap between design and development, reducing inconsistencies and speeding up the overall development process.


Design teams across different projects struggled with consistency, time management, and keeping a unified visual style. A clear solution to these problems was creating a unified design system.


How can we tackle major challenges like design inconsistencies and lengthy development times while implementing a simple, low-friction solution that saves both time and money throughout the process?


Develop a strong yet adaptable design system that unifies visual components and boosts collaboration and efficiency among designers. Prioritize creating a high-quality set of design elements built for lasting use.

Phase 1

Navigating difficulties

Traveler ID Inquiry

Custom Components

Designers were building components on their own, which resulted in a lack of consistency and a mix of unaligned elements within the design system.

Label Print

No Standardized Spacing

Without standardized spacing guidelines, layouts became uneven and disorganized, leading to designs that appeared unpolished and inconsistent across the entire system.

Traveler ID Inquiry

No Auto-Layout

Without the use of auto-layout, each design iteration required manual adjustments, which considerably slowed down the process and raised the likelihood of errors.

Label Print

Unique Type & BG Colors

Diverse and uncoordinated typefaces and background colors were used, which undermined brand consistency and made the user interface visually fragmented.

Traveler ID Inquiry

Irresponsive Design

The absence of a responsive design framework resulted in designs that struggled to adjust across different screen sizes, which had a negative impact on the user experience across various devices.

Label Print

Developer Hand-off

Ineffective hand-off procedures between designers and developers led to misunderstandings and errors in implementation.

Phase 2

What are our options?

Easily assign, track, and manage drivers' schedules and tasks to ensure smooth operations and timely deliveries.

Traveler ID Inquiry

Customizable Master Components

Create a library of customizable master components that maintain consistency while giving designers the flexibility to modify elements as necessary. This approach streamlines the design process and prevents the development of redundant or inconsistent components.

Label Print

Standardized System

Establish a standardized spacing system to maintain uniformity across all layouts. This method offers clear spacing guidelines, leading to more cohesive and refined designs.

Traveler ID Inquiry

Hi-Fi Architecture

Incorporate high-fidelity architecture with auto-layout features to automate the alignment and spacing of elements. This greatly accelerates the design process and minimizes the need for manual adjustments.

Label Print

Variable Application

Utilize Figma's variable features to standardize typography and background colors, ensuring a cohesive visual identity. This integration with CSS tokenization connects design and development, enhancing brand consistency.

Traveler ID Inquiry

Flexible Design

Create a responsive design framework that allows designs to adapt smoothly to different screen sizes, improving the user experience across various devices.

Label Print

Clear Dev Workflow

Establish a straightforward and efficient workflow for developer hand-offs by incorporating detailed documentation and communication protocols. This approach reduces miscommunication and implementation errors.

Phase 3

Building the foundation

Traveler ID Inquiry

Workflow of Building Components

The workflow for creating and developing components starts with a Request phase, where requirements are collected and documented. In the Design phase, designers develop the component based on these specifications. This is followed by a Design Review, where feedback is used to evaluate and refine the design. Once approved, the component enters the Design Release phase, making it ready for development. During the Develop phase, developers implement the component, ensuring it adheres to the design specifications. A Dev Review is then held to verify that the implementation meets design standards and functionality. Finally, the component reaches the Dev Release stage, where it is deployed and integrated into the design system for use in production.

Phase 4

Structuring the components

The design system uses variables to allow for instant theme switching, making it easy to toggle between different visual styles. By defining core design elements like colors, typography, and dimensions as variables, designers can consistently apply changes across the entire interface with ease.

Phase 5

Building Blocks

The web blocks section features pre-designed, reusable UI components that simplify the design and development process. These building blocks enable teams to quickly create consistent and visually appealing interfaces. Each block is carefully designed to meet the standards of the design system, ensuring cohesion and high quality across all projects. This method improves workflows, shortens development time, and preserves design integrity, allowing for faster iteration and deployment.

Want to see more?

If you’d like to see a clearer component library, please let me know! If you have specific elements or examples in mind, I can assist you more effectively.

Phase 6

Implementing the toolkit

As designers incorporated the toolkit into their workflows, the system's standardized components and guidelines enabled more efficient and cohesive design processes. Feedback and real-world usage data showed a significant reduction in inconsistencies and faster development times. This iterative process of testing and refinement demonstrated the design system's effectiveness in boosting productivity and delivering high-quality, uniform designs.

Traveler ID Inquiry
Label Print
Traveler ID Inquiry
Label Print

Phase 7


Traveler ID Inquiry

Recording changes and interactions.

A detailed changelog was created and kept up to date to track changes and iterations throughout the design and development process. This log acted as a centralized record of updates, promoting transparency and accountability among teams.

Key Takeways

Improved Design Cohesion

The introduction of a unified design system greatly minimized inconsistencies across different projects. By standardizing components and guidelines, all designs were aligned with the same visual and functional principles, resulting in a more harmonious user experience.

Enhanced Efficiency

The design system optimized the design and development workflows, significantly shortening the time needed to create and implement UI elements. This boost in efficiency was especially noticeable in quicker development cycles and the capability to rapidly prototype and iterate on designs.

Enhanced Collaboration

The unified design language and toolkit promoted stronger collaboration between designers and developers. With clear guidelines and standardized components, the gap between design and development was narrowed, improving communication and decreasing the chances of errors during implementation.

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